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Examiners Role for Standards Test

 At the start of the test


The test requires the PDI to show their competence against all the criteria on the assessment form. You should make sure the PDI understands what they are required to do. 
You should confirm with the PDI that ‘This is a test of their ability as an instructor to deliver a client centred lesson appropriate to the needs of your pupil. The lesson should last about an hour.’
Tell the PDI what time they should aim to finish the lesson/return to DTC.
You should then ask the PDI, 
‘Do you have any questions about the test before we start?’
  You will then ask about the pupil’s background and how much experience they have had. For example, you could say: 
‘Could you tell me how many lessons your pupil has had and what you have been covering recently?’
When you’re satisfied that you have the information you need and that the PDI understands what’s going to happen, you’ll ask them to continue with the lesson, for example by saying: 
‘Thank you, [insert PDI name,] carry on with this lesson in your normal way. I won’t take any part in the lesson and would you plan your lesson to be back here about an hour from now.’
At the beginning of a lesson a PDI should, normally, discuss the lesson plan and agree it with the pupil. Where the PDI has had little or no experience of working with the pupil they can suggest an assessment drive before finalising a lesson plan. However, the PDI should make sure enough time is available for development and feedback during the lesson.
Once the PDI has finished any reflective discussion with their pupil, you will tell them that the test has finished, for example by saying: 
‘Thank you [insert PDI name] I now need to complete my paperwork. This will take me about 10 minutes. I’ll come and find you and give you some feedback on what I’ve seen. You’re both welcome to wait in the waiting room.’
The examiner should not debrief the PDI with the pupil present. However, the PDI may request that a third-party, such as their mentor/trainer, is present for the result and some feedback. It should be noted the trainer may act as an observer but not take part in the discussion.    In the interests of accuracy, it is essential that the ADI Part 3/SC be completed as soon as possible after the examiner has returned to the office.  The form should not be completed in the car.
Completing the assessment  The assessment is made against 3 broad or ‘high’ areas of competence:

• lesson planning

• risk management 

• teaching and learning strategies
The test marking sheet is at Section 3. Sample ADI Part 3 /SC reporting form. The three high areas of competence are broken down further into 17 lower level competences and a mark will be given for each of these lower level competences. These marks will be totalled to give an overall mark and they will provide a profile of the areas where the PDI is strong and where they need to do some more development work. 
Marks will be given as follows:

• no evidence of competence = 0 

• a few elements of competence demonstrated = 1

• competence demonstrated in most elements = 2

• competence demonstrated in all elements = 3
The key thing to understand is that the lower level competences, on the form, can themselves be broken down into elements. The PDI will have to use a range of skills to ensure each of these elements is in place.
For example, the first lower level competence, in the lesson planning section, is: ‘Did the instructor identify the pupil's learning goals and needs?’
To fully satisfy this requirement the PDI must:

• actively recognise the need to understand the pupil’s experience and background

• ask suitable questions 

• encourage the pupil to talk about their goals, concerns etc. and actively listen to what the pupil has to say 

• understand the significance of what they say

• recognise other indications, e.g. body language, that the pupil is trying to express something but perhaps cannot find the right words 
These are what we mean by the elements. Another way to express it would be to think of these as the building blocks, which go to make up the lower level competence, which is being assessed. 
 Competence standards examples A PDI who does not attempt to understand their pupil’s needs would be demonstrating no evidence of competence and be marked 0. 
A PDI who makes an  attempt, asks a few questions, but doesn’t really listen and then goes ahead and does what they intended to do regardless, would be demonstrating a few elements of competence and would be marked 1. 
A PDI who grasps the importance of understanding the pupil’s needs and makes a real effort to do so, but who finds it difficult to frame suitable questions, would be demonstrating competence in most elements and would be marked 2.

 Competence development Another way to look at this is from a developmental point of view. If the examiner gives the PDI a score of 3 - the examiner is effectively saying that this is an area where the PDI does not need to do any further work, apart from continuously reflecting on their performance. 
If they give a score of 2 - they are saying that the PDI’s performance is acceptable but there are clear areas where they could improve. 
If they give a score of 1 - they are saying the PDI’s performance is not acceptable and the PDI needs to do a lot more work, even though they give evidence of knowing what they are supposed to be doing.
Consistent marking It is important that any assessment demonstrates consistency across each area of competence. 
The following is an example of inconsistent marking:

• Did the trainer identify the pupil’s learning goals and needs? = 0

• Was the agreed lesson structure tailored to the pupil’s experience and ability? = 2 or 3
This is inconsistent because if there has been no meaningful attempt to identify the pupil’s learning goals, it is not possible for a lesson structure to be either agreed or appropriate.  
A PDI may have knowledge of a pupil’s learning goals from earlier lessons. If this becomes clear during the lesson then, logically, it would also be wrong to give a 0 against the first competence. The maximum mark a PDI can gain is 51 and the score achieved will dictate the final grade. (see grading scale in Section * sample reporting form and guidance). Whatever their overall marks a PDI will automatically fail if they: 

• achieve a score of 7 or less on the Risk Management section

• At any point in the lesson, behave in a way, which puts you, the pupil or any third party in immediate danger, so that you have to stop the lesson. 

‘Recording Assessment’

regarding grades in these circumstances.
 You will note the grade the PDI has achieved on the assessment form and give them a copy. You will also offer feedback on the PDI’s overall performance, using the profile of the marks you have given them as the basis. The feedback will include evidence of noncompliance only and not guidance as to how to deliver suitable instruction that is the role of the trainer.  No other written report will be made, as performance and development needs are clearly identified on the assessment form.
Complaints procedure If a PDI feels that their test was not conducted properly, they should follow the complaints procedure. However, they cannot appeal against your decision. The complaints procedure can be found at https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/driver-and-vehiclestandards-agency/about/complaints-procedure
PDI failure to attend If a PDI fails to attend (FTA) at the date and time set out on the journal or if the test is terminated for any reason you should record the relevant code on the journal.
Assessment Your role is to assess the PDI’s competence to deliver effective driving instruction. The ‘National standard for driver and rider training’ is expressed in terms of learning outcomes and there may be more than one way for a PDI to achieve those outcomes. Of course if a PDI does, or says, something that is clearly wrong it is important that you pick this up, especially where it could lead to a safety issue. However, your overall approach should be focused on recognising achievement rather than purely identifying faults. 
The PDI’s task is to provide an effective learning experience for their pupil. An effective learning experience is judged to be one in which the pupil is supported to take as much responsibility as possible for their learning process.
The PDI should, where it is correct and safe to do so, feel free to introduce wider issues from the driving standard into the lesson, such as assessing personal fitness to drive, the use of alcohol or drugs or dealing with aggression. If, for example, a pupil offers an inappropriate comment about the use of alcohol it would be appropriate for the PDI to challenge this. Similarly, it would be appropriate for the PDI to encourage the pupil to think through what might happen, in particular situations, if the conditions were different. For example, after negotiating a particularly difficult junction it might be helpful to discuss how different it would be at night or in bad weather. The important thing to remember here is that the most effective learning takes place when the pupil finds the answers for themselves. 
If opportunities arise for discussion of issues between the PDI and the pupil, while on the move, these can be used, but this needs to be tailored to the pupil’s ability and should not create distraction. Too many unnecessary instructions from the PDI can both de-motivate the pupil and create a real hazard. Remember it is an offence to use a mobile phone whilst driving because this is known to create a level of risk equivalent to or, in some cases,
greater than driving whilst drunk. It cannot, therefore be good practice to constantly bombard the pupil with unnecessary questions.
Recording assessment  In normal circumstances, you should record your assessment, on the assessment form, immediately after the Part 3 test has been completed, taking into account the guidance given above. You should record the main subject of the lesson and what level of experience the pupil is said to have e.g. FLH for a full licence holder. 
If at any point during the lesson the PDI behaves in a way, which puts you, the pupil or any third party in immediate danger you should stop the lesson. You should put a tick in the appropriate Yes box in the review section and mark the form as a Fail. 
If the PDI scores 7 or less in the section marked Risk Management, you should put a tick in the appropriate Yes box and mark the form as a Fail. The PDI can still be given a score, determined by the scores they achieve against the other criteria but, in any case, the outcome cannot be assessed as satisfactory.
Assuming you do not have reason to award an automatic fail, record any evidence first and then consider the effect on other sub-competencies. The marks given should then be totalled to determine the grade achieved. 
At the end of the Part 3 test, the Outcome box on the form should be marked with the grade achieved: “A”, “B” or Fail. 
Ensure all the boxes are completed and checked before handing any documentation to the PDI.
 If you have terminated the test in the interest of safety and recorded and automatic fail under risk management, you must notify the Registrar with the details of the PDI and Trainer.
In the unlikely event that a de-brief is not carried out, the PDI’s copy of the ADI Part 3/SC should be inserted in an envelope and posted to the PDI by first class post. 
Giving feedback When you have finished filling in the assessment form you should inform the PDI the grade they have achieved. If you have assessed them as a Fail they must be told clearly that their instruction is not at an acceptable level. 
You can then give feedback that is more detailed but, if you do this, you must make sure that it relates to the competences against which the PDI has been assessed:

• lesson planning

• risk management 

• teaching and learning strategies

 The purpose of feedback is to help the PDI understand where they failed to demonstrate full competence and where they need to focus their efforts when undertaking further development.  They must understand what has led to the grade they have been awarded. 
With the ADI Part 3/SC form you will be able to show the PDI the ‘profile’ of their performance, against the individual competences, very clearly. This should help them to see where they have given a strong performance as well as where they need development. You will not, therefore, need to produce any additional written reports or follow-up letters. However, it is important to remember that it is not part of your role to tell the PDI what they should have done. It is for the PDI to reflect on how to improve their performance and seek additional training from their ORDIT trainer. 
Having finished giving feedback you should note, in the box marked ’debrief / feedback offered’, the areas of competence not met that you have highlighted in your feedback to the PDI. Don’t simply write the competence itself but because that is identifiable but do provide examples of where incidents occurred or why they happened. These can be bulleted points .This should contain enough detail to allow the PDI and trainer to recall the points raised during the feedback.
If the PDI has ‘failed’ their test, you must advise the PDI to seek further development / guidance from an ORDIT registered trainer and record that this has been done by marking  the “Yes” box provided on the report form. In some circumstances a “No” may be recorded in this box i.e. If the PDI failed the third attempt at the test, or if the debrief was not delivered for any reason.  Any “No” recorded should have the reason noted in the debrief notes box. 
To comply with guidelines under data protection, the PDI will need to confirm with the examiner that they give permission for their trainer to be present during the feedback.
 The feedback must take place in private. Discretion must be used when choosing a place to discuss the test with the PDI. The conversation should not be capable of being overheard by other people including driving examiners. 
You are not taking the role of an ADI trainer or tutor. Make full use of your counselling skills and be aware of any ‘body language’, which may give an indication as to how the PDI is reacting to your feedback and be prepared to vary your approach.
 The partly trained, inexperienced, learner Drivers at this stage of their career are likely to want/need experience of a steadily increasing variety of road and traffic conditions to enable them to develop their basic skills. They may have areas where they are uncomfortable or not yet competent, such as complex junctions or roundabouts, heavy or fast moving traffic. They may not have a good understanding of theory, for example, of road-signs and markings. 
In this context the key objectives of the ‘National standard for driver and rider training’ include being able to:
• create a climate that promotes learning

• explain and demonstrate skills and techniques 

• transfer the balance of responsibility for their learning process to the learner as soon as they are ready to take it 
PDIs should be working to understand where the pupil is having difficulties and how they can help them develop sound basic skills. If the PDI is not making the effort to understand, they are not demonstrating competence. By asking questions or staying silent, listening, and watching they are clearly making the effort to understand and demonstrate competence. It does not matter if they do not achieve full understanding by the end of the lesson. 
In the same way, pupils at this level should not feel they are being patronised or talked down-to, as this will make them unreceptive. They do not all learn in the same way. Consequently, there is no single, correct, way to transfer responsibility to them and, in any case, this is not going to take place instantly. In this context, just as it is unreasonable to expect a pupil to get it right instantly, so it is unreasonable to expect a PDI to transfer responsibility instantly. The key thing that a PDI must demonstrate is that they understand the need to transfer ownership and make the effort to do so. 
It is important to understand that, at this level, a pupil will not always ‘get it right’ as soon as the PDI gives them some direction or coaches them around a problem. They should understand the issue, at least in principle, and what they need to do in theory. They should generally be willing to try to overcome weaknesses, but their efforts may not always be successful. You should not penalise the PDI if they do not immediately ‘solve the problem’. 
PDIs should use a variety of tools to encourage the pupil to analyse their own performance and to find solutions to problems. The PDI should be supportive and give suitable and technically correct instructions or demonstrations where appropriate. Of course, where a pupil cannot come up with a way forward the PDI should provide suitable input – especially if failure to do so might result in a risk to any party. 
• work with the learner to agree when they are ready to undertake formal assessment of driving competence 
Evidence suggests that, by this stage, some pupils may: 
• be technically skilful

• be able to complete manoeuvres competently

• have experience of driving on a wide range of roads and in a range of conditions
They may be confident and feel that they are at the stage of refining their competence around ‘what they need to do to pass the test’. On the other hand, they may: 
• have already developed bad habits, especially if they have been taught by a relative or friend

• have an inflated opinion of their competence 

• have a poor understanding of risk

• have not developed the skills of scanning and planning that will help them to cope when they drive independently

• have not developed the skills of reflection that will help them to be life-long learners
They may not be used to being challenged to analyse and come up with solutions. They could be impatient and resistant to correction if they do demonstrate ‘bad habits’. They may well have forgotten a lot of what they learnt when they did their theory test. Responses at this level could vary from enthusiastic acceptance of the information they need, to real resistance to being told things they do not think are relevant. 
During their standards check the PDI must demonstrate that they understand the key issues that need to be addressed to try to reduce the numbers of newly qualified drivers who crash in the first 6 months. They should be working to develop a realistic understanding of ability and an enhanced understanding of risk. They should be checking, developing, reinforcing systematic scanning, and planning tools. They should be strongly encouraging reflection. 
PDIs should be supportive, not over-instruct and give suitable and technically correct instructions or demonstrations where necessary. However, the emphasis is likely to be on the use of tools, such as practical examples, to develop a more joined–up and outward looking approach.
New full licence holder (FLH) This FLH pupil has demonstrated ‘competence’ against those elements of the National Driver Standards (NDS) that we test in the theory and practical tests. Remember, however, that these tests are limited in scope. They do not require the pupil to drive on all classes of roads and they do not test understanding of that part of the NDS, which calls on learners to reflect on their competence as they go through their driving career. The PDI’s objective, at this stage should be to develop the pupil’s competence across the full range of driving environments and to support and reinforce their commitment to life-long learning around driving. 
• wanting to refresh their skills if they haven’t driven since they took their test

• moving on to a bigger or technologically different vehicle

• starting to drive for work

• starting a family and wanting to improve their skills 

• moving from an urban to a rural environment, or vice versa

• starting to use motorways

• a simple desire to become a better developed driver
This pupil is likely to be enthusiastic and, in theory at least, open to learning if they have chosen to take training. If, on the other hand, they have been told to take it, perhaps by an employer, they might be resentful and resistant. They may well have already lost the disciplines of the mirror-signal-manoeuvre (MSM) routine and forward planning skills. They may not be used to driving in an ‘Eco-Safe’ way and may not even understand the term. They may be nervous about increased responsibility and accountability. 
During their test the key thing that the PDI must demonstrate is that they are able to find out exactly what it is the pupil wants from the lesson and put together a plan to deliver that. They must of course, identify and deal with bad habits that might have been acquired. However, if all they do is go over what the pupil should have learnt prior to their test they are unlikely to reinforce the commitment to life-long learning.
Experienced full licence holder At this stage, the FLH pupil should be more confident and competent than they were immediately after passing their test. They should have gained experience across all or most of the possible classes of roads, at night and in bad weather. They may already be driving for work and are likely to regard themselves as capable drivers, even though their application of safety routines and forward planning skills may show they are not quite as competent as they think.
Reasons why an individual might come to an instructor at this stage include;
• being required by employers to undertake additional training to keep insurance costs down

• wanting to drive more economically to reduce business costs

• having had an accident or near miss that has shaken their confidence

• returning to driving after a period of ill-health or loss of licence

• recognising that their driving skills are deteriorating through age or ill-health
This FLH may be an overseas driver who has significant experience but, having been in the UK beyond the statutory period, is now required to take the tests to qualify for a UK licence. 
Depending on their reasons for undertaking training these pupils could be enthusiastic or very nervous, willing or very resistant. Older pupils may find it harder to learn new skills or to get out of bad habits. They may have developed unsafe habits such as not leaving large enough separation distances and failing to carry out systematic observation routines.
In assessment the key thing is that the PDI must demonstrate they can find out exactly what it is the pupil wants from the lesson and put together a plan to deliver that.

They must, of course, spot and deal with bad habits that might have been acquired. However, the lesson must take the pupil forward in their learning. If it does not deliver what the pupil is looking for they will not engage with the learning process.
This is not an exhaustive list of possible scenarios. However, it should give some indication of the sorts of things that should be considered.

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